Sunday, December 11, 2011


        Use three ribbons with three simple bows and make one fabulous looking present.

Homemade Pizza and Dough

Yes! Two-year olds can make pizza! So what if there is cheese all over the counter and the floor and in your hair and perhaps inside your shoes. It will clean, I promise.

Bathroom Pictures

I must fill the vacant white dreary wall above the toilet. My son's bathroom has only one decorative piece of art on the wall, a Yellow Submarine poster. Honestly, the main reason for the poster is the color blue (I already had a blue shower curtain). But then I wondered; should I continue with a Beatles theme or a nautical one? I consulted my bottomless box of crafts, to see if it had a suggestion. Then miraculously I found three small blank canvases. So I painted, and this is what I came up with.